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Empowering Girls in STEM: Summer VET Academies Focus on Sustainability Across Europe

SECOVE Challenge-based training

Excited news! The development of the course: Empowering VET Teachers: Fostering Entrepreneurial Mindset in Sustainable Energy Innovators is completed. This course is a pivotal deliverable of the SECOVE project. Our course adopts and supports a holistic approach, promoting creativity, inclusion, and an entrepreneurial mindset.

SECOVE Newsletter | NO.3

The 3rd Newsletter for project SECOVE is out!

Learn more about the current and future activities of SECOVE partners.

You can view and download the English version here.

Subscribe to our Newsletter and you will be kept updated with fresh SECOVE news!


The SECOVE Roadmap is a blueprint for the development of a skilled workforce in sustainable energy. The roadmap, developed by a consortium of partners from across Europe, outlines the key steps that need to be taken to establish and operate a network of Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs) in the sector of sustainable energy technologies.

CoVEs are specialized training centers that offer specialized programs, meeting the needs of the sustainable development of the energy industry, aiming to become critical actors in addressing the shortage of skilled workers in the sustainable energy sector.

2nd Partner’s Meeting in Porto

The 2nd partner’s meeting took place in Portugal, on July 5th-6th 2023. It was hosted by Instituto Politecnico do Porto at the premises of the Engineering School of the University, located in Porto.

The meeting had a two-day duration and was attended by representatives of all partner organisations.

Following the 1st project meeting in November 2022, partners focused their discussions on pending project activities, mainly the plan for designing and developing the SECOVE web Portal and SECOVE Platform, as well as the establishment of the SECOVE Observatory for the inclusiveness of VET practices.

Gender gap in VET and Sustainable Energy

Earlier this year saw the start of the research activity to make SECOVE inclusive and encouraging women in technical professions, which involved researchers from partner organizations in Italy, Spain, Greece, Slovakia and Portugal.  

The aim of the research is to see how much VET education on sustainable energy is inclusive, especially for women, and to see how partners can increase the inclusiveness and attractiveness of VET through the operation of the CoVEs and the SECOVE tools. 

SECOVE Newsletter | No.2

The 2nd Newsletter for project SECOVE is out!

Learn more about the current and future activities of SECOVE partners.

You can view and download the Slovakian version here.

Subscribe to our Newsletter and you will be kept updated with fresh SECOVE news!

Trends on Technological changes and Qualifications

Work Package 3 of SECOVE project aims to make VET education and qualifications in Europe more relevant to the needs of Energy and Sustainable development. This study carried out under WP3 aimed to form a knowledge baseline for the following activities of the project.

The concept is firstly to document the new technological trends and changes in specific domains of the Sustainable Energy (SE) field. Each partner chose the domain, which is evaluated as most crucial, in the field of Sustainable Energy for their region.

SECOVE Newsletter | No.1

The 1st Newsletter for project SECOVE is out!

Learn more about what SECOVE partners did in the first months of the project.

You can view and download the Slovakian version here.

Subscribe to our Newsletter and you will be kept updated with fresh SECOVE news!

The first consortium-level meeting (19th September)

The first official meeting for all partners of SECOVE took place online, on September 19th 2022. 

Following the summer break that involved, to a larger or smaller extent, all partners, the project coordinator, University of West Attica, invited all twenty-two partners to the official kick-off meeting of SECOVE.

The activities during the first few months of SECOVE

Work Package leaders took the initiative to kick off the activities over the first summer months of SECOVE implementation.

WP1, WP2 and WP8 under the magnifying lens.

The project begins (June 2022)

Ready to meet. 

After months of preparation following up the successful approval of the project, SECOVE partners started getting to know each other. At first with just a few messages, emails – most importantly, signatures – and then they were ready to join the very first online meeting.


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SECOVE – Centrá odbornej excelentnosti pre udržateľnú energiu (Projekt č. 101056201) boli spolufinancované z programu Erasmus+ Európskej únie. Táto webová stránka odráža iba názory autora. Európska komisia nezodpovedá za žiadne použitie informácií v nich uvedených.