Trends on Technological changes and Qualifications

Work Package 3 of SECOVE project aims to make VET education and qualifications in Europe more relevant to the needs of Energy and Sustainable development. This study carried out under WP3 aimed to form a knowledge baseline for the following activities of the project.

The concept is firstly to document the new technological trends and changes in specific domains of the Sustainable Energy (SE) field. Each partner chose the domain, which is evaluated as most crucial, in the field of Sustainable Energy for their region.

CountryRegionPartnerGeneral sector
SlovakiaKošice regionTUKEGreen Building
ItalyLazio RegionUNIROMABuilding and construction industry
SpainBasque CountryGAIACybersecurity, AI and IT
PortugalPorto Metropolitan Area ENERGAIALocal administration (Municipalities)
GreeceAttica Region CRESRES Systems

The second phase of the Study was to research more in-depth on how the technological trends and changes in the SE market can impact the needed qualifications of the existing and future workforce. The final goal of this research is to bridge the gap between VET schools and the actual needs of the job market. 

In the following Table the impacted and analyzed workforce for each partner/ country is presented: 

PartnerLabor market Working Group
TUKEEngineers, installers and facility managers
UNIROMAEngineers, architects, technicians and building managers
GAIASMEs related to AI/ Cyber and IT
ENERGAIAExisting Vocational schools, municipal technicians, construction industry, RES comapnies
CRESTechnicians of installations of Renewable Energy Sources (existing Vocational school specialty)

Having identified the latest trends in terms of technological advancements and the impact of technological changes on qualifications and skills, we are able to highlight the most interesting trends for the Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs) in order to make VET relevant when approaching the job market.

Having focused on the most relevant qualifications and how they are impacted, a Synthesis is made in order to conclude to recommendations for policy makers for the modernization of VET system in a meaningful way. 

The context is presented in the following structure:

This Deliverable is concerning VET system, policy makers, trainers, the existing workforce that may need additional training / upskilling, and the future workforce that is now making training related decisions.

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