

POLITEKNIKA TXORIERRI The Technological Summer Camp at Politeknika Txorierri, held from May 27th to June 6th, provided an enriching and engaging experience for predominantly female students aged 16-17. Conducted in Euskera, Spanish, and English, the 55-hour program covered a diverse array of STEM topics.

SECOVE Summer VET Academy in Slovakia

STAVKE From June 10 to June 21, 2024, a Summer VET Academy for girls was organised in Košice, Slovakia—this unique initiative aimed to support girls in secondary education interested in technical and scientific fields. The project seeks to motivate young girls to study and pursue careers in traditionally male-dominated areas, providing them with the skills […]

Exploring STEM and Sustainable Energy: A Recap of the Summer VET Academy in Slovakia

Technical University of Kosice 2024 From June 10th to 21st, 2024, twenty girls from secondary schools had a unique opportunity to delve into the exciting world of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). The focus of this immersive experience was sustainable energy and green buildings. The Summer VET Academy took place in Slovakia at the […]

SECOVE Congress

Making Vocational Training Attractive and Recognized – Challenges for Vocational Education in Europe (VET) The SECOVE Congress held in San Sebastián gathered experts from 12 countries to address significant challenges facing Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Europe. Key issues discussed included demographic decline, the lack of appeal of VET to young people, and the […]

«Theatre of the Oppressed» Workshop in Cagliari

✨ Promoting Inclusivity and Attractiveness in VET – Theatre of the Oppressed Workshop to Overcome Stereotypes and Prejudices in Educational Paths ✨ The SECOVE project sets out with the ambitious goal of establishing a Platform for Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVE), a collaborative force dedicated to innovation, inclusion, and excellence in the sustainable and renewable […]

SECOVE Observatory Workshop in Košice

ASTRA together with the Slovak partners of the SECOVE project Centres of Excellence for Sustainable Energy (project no. 101056201) organized a workshop on 29.11.2023 dedicated to the inclusiveness and attractiveness of vocational education and training in the sector of renewable and sustainable energy sources in Slovakia. The group of 29 workshop participants included university and […]

Conference in Bilbao

Bilbao, December 1, 2023 On Wednesday, November 29, 2023, the GAIA Cluster, in collaboration with Politeknika Txorierri, the company Ondoan, the National Association of Centers with Certificates of Professionalism and the Online National University of Education (UNED), joined forces to organize the conference «Microelectronics, Energy, Women, STEAM, VET and Employability» in the Arriaga Hall of […]

Forum on Vocational Excellence 2023

This year’s Forum on Vocational Excellence took place on 25th and 26th of September, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. It was jointly organised and hosted by: The event had a two-day duration and was attended by more than 100 representatives from different ongoing COVE projects and other Vocational Excellence initiatives all across Europe.

Transnational Workshop in Greece

Following the conclusion of the National workshops, the SECOVE Transnational Workshop concluded the structured dialogue and released the main conclusions regarding excellence on VET in the field of Sustainable Energy. The aim was to set the basis for the development of the Roadmap to the SECOVE platform. University of West Attica (UNIWA), the coordinator of the […]

National Workshop in Spain (February 2023)

On February 7th, 2023 the Spanish National workshop in the Spanish Basque Country. A global energy leader based in the Basque country, Global Smart Grids Innovation Hub-GSGIH hosted this event in its premises located in Bilbao. The workshop was attended by 20 participants (Companies – local SMEs, Multinationals, VET providers – Association, Individual providers, Cluster), […]

National Workshop in Slovakia (November 2022)

Slovak partners organized their own National Workshop in November 2022 at the Faculty of Civic Engineering in Slovakia. The event was attended by: The main aims of the workshop were as follows: The workshop gathered all partners from the Slovakian team of project SECOVE and 30 stakeholders, who represented the quadruple helix – educational institutions, […]

National Workshop in Portugal (January 2023)

On January 31, 2023, the Portuguese SECOVE team organized a National workshop on the “Creation of a Vocational Excellence Centre in the area of sustainable energies” at the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto in Portugal. The partners involved in the workshop included: The workshop aimed to promote a structured dialogue on excellence in sustainable […]

National Workshop in Italy (November 2022)

The first Italian National Workshop of the SECOVE project was hosted by Ciofs-fp and took place last November 2022. Due to the geographical dislocation of the Italian partners, the workshop was held on a digital platform, in three different dates (14, 15, 21 November 2022). All Italian partners of SECOVE attended the event: The overall […]

National Workshop in Greece (November 2022)

The objective of SECOVE is the establishment of its Network of cooperation. The first step in doing so is the organization of National Workshops.



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SECOVE – Sustainable Energy Centres For Vocational Excellence (project No. 101056201) has been co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union. This website reflects the views only of the author. The European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.